Restores even the most worn and uneven truck beds or van floor to new pristine-look finish. Dries rapidly to give scratch and stain-proof surface that is also U.
High adhesion, waterproof, flexible, helps deaden sound vibrations. Easy and quick to use, as simple as: FILL - SHAKE - SHOOT®.Kits contain 4 x 711ml bottles of base and 1 x 946ml of hardener. Enough material to re-spray the largest truck beds. Apply with schutz gun, roller or brush to obtain different textures. Also available as BLACK product (see seperate listing). Truck Beds - Trailer Floors - Automotive Undercoating - Wheel Arches - Van Waterproofing - Livestock Trailers - Boat Decks & Trailers - Storage Tank Lining - Planters - Wood Decks - Patios - Wheel Barrows - Basemen Walls & Floors - Tool Boxes - Loading Ramps - Skips - Hand Rails - Tractor Bed - Farm Equipment and many many more...
Please be aware that provided paint might differ from the one visible in catalogue.