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Fibreglass Roofing Kit 450g 1 100 square metre Kits WITH or WITHOUT tools

Fibreglass Roofing Kit 450g 1 100 square metre Kits WITH or WITHOUT tools

Fibreglass Roofing Kit 450g 1 100 square metre Kits WITH or WITHOUT tools    Fibreglass Roofing Kit 450g 1 100 square metre Kits WITH or WITHOUT tools

Fibreglass Flat Roof Kits : Description. These Roofing Kits are designed to be used on 18mm Tongue and Groove OSB Boards. Instructions Included - Sufficient catalyst to mix at advised ratio of 2% -- Leak Free Roof that can Last significantly longer than conventional roof systems All our Roofing Kits over estimate the materials you need by at least 5% to allow for overlapping of your Chopped Strand Matting and Resin Consumption. Operating Temperature range : 10 to 22 Deg C - Avoid using in very hot or very cold conditions - Hot conditions will drastically reduce working time resulting in a failed mix so avoid direct sunlight on hot days. The resin is a polyester variant- It has a very powerful smell- common to all resins of this type.

We recommend you tube vids as a good way to see how a flat roof is typically installed- especially if this is your first time. Also worth haveing a trial run on a small area. 1 Sq M - Repair kit. 1Kg of Polyester resin (inc hardener). 1 Sq M of Fibreglass matting (300g weight).

2 miing cups, 2 brushes, 2 mixing sticks. 5m2 450g Fibreglass Roofing Kit - No Tools. 7kg of Polyester Resin 4kg Grey Topcoat 6 Square Metres of 450g Chopped Strand Mat (6m x 0.95m) 500g Catalyst (hardener).

Fibreglass Tape - 75mm wide - 50m Roll. Tool Kit A - Small. 10m2 450g Fibreglass Roofing Kit Includes. 15kg of Polyester Resin 6kg Grey Topcoat 12 Square Metres of 450g Chopped Strand Mat 600g Catalyst (hardener). 15m2 450g Fibreglass Roofing Kit Includes.

20kg of Polyester Resin 10kg Grey Topcoat 17 Square Metres of 450g Chopped Strand Mat 800g Catalyst (hardener). 20m2 450g Fibreglass Roofing Kit Includes. 25kg of Polyester Resin 12kg Grey Topcoat 22 Square Metres of 450g Chopped Strand Mat 800g Catalyst (hardener). With tools add Tool kit B - Medium. 25m2 450g Fibreglass Roofing Kit Includes.

30kg of Polyester Resin 15kg Grey Topcoat 27 Square Metres of 450g Chopped Strand Mat 1kg Catalyst (hardener). Tool Kit B - Medium. 30m2 450g Fibreglass Roofing Kit Includes.

40kg of Polyester Resin 18kg Grey Topcoat 33 Square Metres of 450g Chopped Strand Mat 1.4kg Catalyst (hardener). 35m2 450g Fibreglass Roofing Kit Includes. 45kg of Polyester Resin 20kg Grey Topcoat 37 Square Meter of 450g Chopped Strand Mat 1.5kg Catalyst (hardener).

40m2 450g Fibreglass Roofing Kit Includes. 50kg of Polyester Resin 22kg Grey Topcoat 42 Square Meter of 450g Chopped Strand Mat 1.5kg Catalyst (hardener). 45m2 450g Fibreglass Roofing Kit Includes. 55kg of Polyester Resin 25kg Grey Topcoat 47 Square Meter of 450g Chopped Strand Mat 2kg Catalyst (hardener). 50m2 450g Fibreglass Roofing Kit Includes. 60kg of Polyester Resin 28kg Grey Topcoat 52 Square Meter of 450g Chopped Strand Mat 2.2kg Catalyst (hardener). 60m2 450g Fibreglass Roofing Kit Includes. 70kg of Polyester Resin 35kg Grey Topcoat 63 Square Meter of 450g Chopped Strand Mat 2.6kg Catalyst (hardener). Tool Kit C - Large. 70m2 450g Fibreglass Roofing Kit Includes. 85kg of Polyester Resin 38kg Grey Topcoat 75 Square Meter of 450g Chopped Strand Mat 3kg Catalyst (hardener). 80m2 450g Fibreglass Roofing Kit Includes. 95kg of Polyester Resin 43kg Grey Topcoat 85 Square Meter of 450g Chopped Strand Mat 3.5kg Catalyst (hardener). 90m2 450g Fibreglass Roofing Kit Includes. 110kg of Polyester Resin 48kg Grey Topcoat 95 Square Meter of 450g Chopped Strand Mat 4kg Catalyst (hardener).

100m2 450g Fibreglass Roofing Kit Includes. 120kg of Polyester Resin 55kg Grey Topcoat 105 Square Meter of 450g Chopped Strand Mat 4.5kg Catalyst (hardener). Tool kits - Use drop down menu to add. 2 x 6 Resin Rollers (blue stripe).

1 x 6 Topcoat Rollers (cream coloured). 1 x Medium consoldation roller - 140 x 15.

1 x 75mm Resin Brush. 2 x 5.56L bucket. 1 x graduated clear bucket (1900ml).

4 x 6 Resin Rollers (blue stripe). 3 x 6 Topcoat Rollers (cream coloured). 2 x Medium consolidation roller - 140 x 15. 2 x 75mm Resin Brush. Tool Kit C - LARGE.

6 x 6 Resin Rollers (blue stripe). 4 x 6 Topcoat Rollers (cream coloured). 3 x 75mm Resin Brush. 4 x 5.56L bucket. 2 x graduated clear bucket (1900ml).
Fibreglass Roofing Kit 450g 1 100 square metre Kits WITH or WITHOUT tools    Fibreglass Roofing Kit 450g 1 100 square metre Kits WITH or WITHOUT tools